
I trained at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, one of the leading acupuncture institutions in the UK. In my acupuncture practice I combine the use of two styles – Five Element Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine ‘TCM’ – both have their strengths depending on the needs of the patient, I particularly value the simplicity of Five Element Acupuncture to strengthen emotion or spirit of a patient which in itself can give them a stronger resolve to finding balance in their life. I put emphasis on helping patients to help themselves and therefore give diet and lifestyle advice if required.

After studying for a business studies degree I pursued a career in marketing in London, then briefly lived in France before deciding to retrain as an acupuncturist having experienced the benefits of treatment on my own health. I love being an acupuncturist as it is endlessly fascinating and rewarding, I see myself as much as a detective as a healthcare practitioner because, in terms of Chinese medicine pathology, no two individual patients are the same even if they have the same Western diagnosis. In Chinese medicine every sign and symptom has a meaning which adds to the development of a treatment plan.